Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 _barrel_MTDDigitizer = cms.PSet(
4  digitizerName = cms.string("BTLDigitizer"),
5  inputSimHits = cms.InputTag("g4SimHits:FastTimerHitsBarrel"),
6  digiCollectionTag = cms.string("FTLBarrel"),
7  maxSimHitsAccTime = cms.uint32(100),
8  DeviceSimulation = cms.PSet(
9  bxTime = cms.double(25), # [ns]
10  LightYield = cms.double(40000.), # [photons/MeV]
11  LightCollectionEff = cms.double(0.30),
12  LightCollectionTime = cms.double(0.2), # [ns]
13  smearLightCollectionTime = cms.double(0.), # [ns]
14  PhotonDetectionEff = cms.double(0.20),
15  ),
16  ElectronicsSimulation = cms.PSet(
17  bxTime = cms.double(25), # [ns]
18  ScintillatorRiseTime = cms.double(1.1), # [ns]
19  ScintillatorDecayTime = cms.double(40.), # [ns]
20  ChannelTimeOffset = cms.double(0.), # [ns]
21  smearChannelTimeOffset = cms.double(0.), # [ns]
22  EnergyThreshold = cms.double(4.), # [photo-electrons]
23  TimeThreshold1 = cms.double(20.), # [photo-electrons]
24  TimeThreshold2 = cms.double(50.), # [photo-electrons]
25  ReferencePulseNpe = cms.double(100.), # [photo-electrons]
26  DarkCountRate = cms.double(10.), # [GHz]
27  SinglePhotonTimeResolution = cms.double(0.060), # [ns]
28  SigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double(1.), # [p.e.]
29  SigmaClock = cms.double(0.015), # [ns]
30  CorrelationCoefficient = cms.double(1.),
31  Npe_to_pC = cms.double(0.016), # [pC]
32  Npe_to_V = cms.double(0.0064),# [V]
34  # n bits for the ADC
35  adcNbits = cms.uint32(10),
36  # n bits for the TDC
37  tdcNbits = cms.uint32(10),
38  # ADC saturation (in pC)
39  adcSaturation_MIP = cms.double(600.),
40  # for different thickness
41  adcThreshold_MIP = cms.double(0.064),
42  # LSB for time of arrival estimate from TDC in ns
43  toaLSB_ns = cms.double(0.020),
44  )
45  )
47 _endcap_MTDDigitizer = cms.PSet(
48  digitizerName = cms.string("ETLDigitizer"),
49  inputSimHits = cms.InputTag("g4SimHits:FastTimerHitsEndcap"),
50  digiCollectionTag = cms.string("FTLEndcap"),
51  maxSimHitsAccTime = cms.uint32(100),
52  DeviceSimulation = cms.PSet(
53  bxTime = cms.double(25),
54  tofDelay = cms.double(1),
55  meVPerMIP = cms.double(0.085), # from HGCal
56  ),
57  ElectronicsSimulation = cms.PSet(
58  bxTime = cms.double(25),
59  etaResolution = cms.string("0.03+0.0025*x"), # This is just a dummy dependence on eta.
60  # n bits for the ADC
61  adcNbits = cms.uint32(12),
62  # n bits for the TDC
63  tdcNbits = cms.uint32(12),
64  # ADC saturation
65  adcSaturation_MIP = cms.double(102),
66  # for different thickness
67  adcThreshold_MIP = cms.double(0.025),
68  # LSB for time of arrival estimate from TDC in ns
69  toaLSB_ns = cms.double(0.005),
70  )
71  )
73 # Fast Timing
74 mtdDigitizer = cms.PSet(
75  accumulatorType = cms.string("MTDDigiProducer"),
76  makeDigiSimLinks = cms.bool(False),
77  verbosity = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
79  barrelDigitizer = _barrel_MTDDigitizer,
80  endcapDigitizer = _endcap_MTDDigitizer
81 )