This is the complete list of members for TtSemiLepJetComb, including all inherited members.
addUserVar(std::string key, double value) | TtSemiLepJetComb | inline |
bOverLightQPt() const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
bQuark(JetComb::DecayType decay) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | inlineprivate |
bQuarkVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
bTag(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::BTagAlgo algo) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | inline |
bTag(const pat::Jet &jet, JetComb::BTagAlgo algo) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
combinedBTags(JetComb::BTagAlgo algo, JetComb::Operator op) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
combinedBTagsForLightQuarks(JetComb::BTagAlgo algo, JetComb::Operator op) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareBLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareBNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareHadBLepB(JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareHadTopLepTop(JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareHadWLepW(JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareLeptonNeutrino(JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareLightQuarks(JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareTopB(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareTopLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareTopNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareTopW(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareWB(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareWLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
compareWNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
deduceMothers() | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
hadBJet_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
hadQBarJet_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
hadQJet_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
hadTop_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
hadW_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
lepBJet_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
lepton_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
leptonVar(JetComb::VarType var) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
lepTop_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
lepW_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
lightQ(bool qbar=false) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | inlineprivate |
lightQVar(bool qbar, JetComb::VarType var) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
lightQVar(JetComb::VarType var) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | inlineprivate |
neutrino_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
neutrinoVar(JetComb::VarType var) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
relativePtHadronicTop() const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
top(JetComb::DecayType decay) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | inlineprivate |
topVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
TtSemiLepJetComb() | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
TtSemiLepJetComb(const std::vector< pat::Jet > &, const std::vector< int > &, const math::XYZTLorentzVector &, const pat::MET &) | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
userVar(const std::string &key) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | inline |
userVariables_ | TtSemiLepJetComb | private |
wBoson(JetComb::DecayType decay) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | inlineprivate |
wBosonVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const | TtSemiLepJetComb | |
~TtSemiLepJetComb() | TtSemiLepJetComb |