This is the complete list of members for MinL3Algorithm, including all inherited members.
addEvent(const std::vector< float > &eventSquare, const int &maxCeta, const int &maxCphi, const float &energy) | MinL3Algorithm | |
countEvents | MinL3Algorithm | private |
Ewsum | MinL3Algorithm | private |
getSolution(bool resetsolution=true) | MinL3Algorithm | |
indexSqr2Reg(const int &sqrIndex, const int &maxCeta, const int &maxCphi) | MinL3Algorithm | |
iterate(const std::vector< std::vector< float > > &eventMatrix, const std::vector< int > &VmaxCeta, const std::vector< int > &VmaxCphi, const std::vector< float > &energyVector, const int &nIter, const bool &normalizeFlag=false) | MinL3Algorithm | |
kweight | MinL3Algorithm | private |
maxeta | MinL3Algorithm | private |
maxphi | MinL3Algorithm | private |
mineta | MinL3Algorithm | private |
MinL3Algorithm(float kweight_=0., int squareMode_=5, int mineta_=1, int maxeta_=85, int minphi_=1, int maxphi_=20) | MinL3Algorithm | |
minphi | MinL3Algorithm | private |
Nchannels | MinL3Algorithm | private |
Nxtals | MinL3Algorithm | private |
recalibrateEvent(const std::vector< float > &eventSquare, const int &maxCeta, const int &maxCphi, const std::vector< float > &recalibrateVector) | MinL3Algorithm | |
resetSolution() | MinL3Algorithm | |
squareMode | MinL3Algorithm | private |
wsum | MinL3Algorithm | private |
~MinL3Algorithm() | MinL3Algorithm | |