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Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
gather_cfg | |
Variables | |
gather_cfg.AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D | |
gather_cfg.AlignmentMonitorMuonVsCurvature | |
gather_cfg.AlignmentMonitorSegmentDifferences | |
gather_cfg.alignParams | |
tuple | gather_cfg.allowTIDTEC = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_ALLOWTIDTEC"] == "True") |
gather_cfg.applyDbAlignment | |
gather_cfg.blocks = sorted(jsondict[run]) | |
tuple | gather_cfg.combineME11 = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_COMBINEME11"] == "True") |
gather_cfg.connect | |
gather_cfg.cout | |
bool | gather_cfg.createAlignNtuple = False |
bool | gather_cfg.createMapNtuple = False |
gather_cfg.createNtuple | |
gather_cfg.cscparams = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_CSCPARAMS"] | |
tuple | gather_cfg.curvatureplots = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_CURVATUREPLOTS"] == "True") |
gather_cfg.destinations | |
gather_cfg.doAlignment | |
bool | gather_cfg.doCSC = True |
bool | gather_cfg.doDT = True |
gather_cfg.envCSC = os.getenv("ALIGNMENT_DO_CSC") | |
gather_cfg.envDT = os.getenv("ALIGNMENT_DO_DT") | |
gather_cfg.envNtuple = os.getenv("ALIGNMENT_CREATEALIGNNTUPLE") | |
gather_cfg.es_prefer_GlobalPositionInputDB | |
gather_cfg.es_prefer_TrackerAlignmentErrorInputDB | |
gather_cfg.es_prefer_TrackerAlignmentInputDB | |
gather_cfg.es_prefer_TrackerSurfaceDeformationInputDB | |
gather_cfg.fileName | |
gather_cfg.fileNames | |
gather_cfg.firstValid | |
gather_cfg.GlobalPositionInputDB | |
gather_cfg.globaltag = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_GLOBALTAG"] | |
list | gather_cfg.good_lumis = [] |
gather_cfg.gprcd = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_GPRCD"] | |
gather_cfg.gprcdconnect = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_GPRCDCONNECT"] | |
gather_cfg.input | |
gather_cfg.inputdb = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_INPUTDB"] | |
gather_cfg.inputfiles = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_INPUTFILES"].split(" ") | |
gather_cfg.iovIsRunNotTime | |
tuple | gather_cfg.iscosmics = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_ISCOSMICS"] == "True") |
gather_cfg.iteration = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_ITERATION"]) | |
gather_cfg.jobnumber = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_JOBNUMBER"]) | |
gather_cfg.json_file = os.getenv("ALIGNMENT_JSON") | |
gather_cfg.jsondict = json.load(jsonfile) | |
gather_cfg.jsonfile = file(json_file, 'r') | |
gather_cfg.lumisToProcess | |
tuple | gather_cfg.mapplots = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MAPPLOTS"] == "True") |
gather_cfg.maxDxy = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MAXDXY"]) | |
gather_cfg.maxEvents = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MAXEVENTS"]) | |
gather_cfg.maxResSlopeY = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MAXRESSLOPEY"]) | |
gather_cfg.maxTrackerRedChi2 = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MAXTRACKERREDCHI2"]) | |
gather_cfg.maxTrackP = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MAXTRACKP"]) | |
gather_cfg.maxTrackPt = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MAXTRACKPT"]) | |
gather_cfg.MessageLogger | |
gather_cfg.minAlignmentHits = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MINALIGNMENTHITS"]) | |
gather_cfg.minCSCHits | |
gather_cfg.minDT13Hits | |
gather_cfg.minDT2Hits | |
gather_cfg.minNCrossedChambers = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MINNCROSSEDCHAMBERS"]) | |
gather_cfg.minTrackerHits = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MINTRACKERHITS"]) | |
gather_cfg.minTrackP = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MINTRACKP"]) | |
gather_cfg.minTrackPt = float(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MINTRACKPT"]) | |
gather_cfg.monitorConfig | |
gather_cfg.monitors | |
gather_cfg.muonCollectionTag = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_MUONCOLLECTIONTAG"] | |
gather_cfg.MuonNumberingInitialization | |
gather_cfg.MuonNumberingRecord | |
gather_cfg.Path | |
tuple | gather_cfg.preFilter = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_PREFILTER"] == "True") |
list | gather_cfg.prevblock = [-2,-2] |
gather_cfg.process = cms.Process("GATHER") | |
gather_cfg.recordName | |
gather_cfg.runs = sorted(jsondict.keys()) | |
gather_cfg.saveApeToDB | |
gather_cfg.saveToDB | |
the following was needed for Nov 2010 alignment to pick up new lorentz angle and strip conditions for tracker process.poolDBESSourceLA = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource", BlobStreamerName = cms.untracked.string('TBufferBlobStreamingService'), DBParameters = cms.PSet( messageLevel = cms.untracked.int32(0), authenticationPath = cms.untracked.string('. More... | |
tuple | gather_cfg.segdiffplots = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_SEGDIFFPLOTS"] == "True") |
gather_cfg.skipEvents = int(os.environ["ALIGNMENT_SKIPEVENTS"]) | |
gather_cfg.source | |
gather_cfg.station123params = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_STATION123PARAMS"] | |
gather_cfg.station4params = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_STATION4PARAMS"] | |
gather_cfg.TFileService | |
gather_cfg.tjTkAssociationMapTag | |
gather_cfg.toGet | |
gather_cfg.trackeralignment = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_TRACKERALIGNMENT"] | |
gather_cfg.TrackerAlignmentErrorInputDB | |
gather_cfg.TrackerAlignmentInputDB | |
gather_cfg.trackerAPE = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_TRACKERAPE"] | |
gather_cfg.trackerAPEconnect = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_TRACKERAPECONNECT"] | |
gather_cfg.trackerBows = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_TRACKERBOWS"] | |
gather_cfg.trackerBowsconnect = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_TRACKERBOWSCONNECT"] | |
gather_cfg.trackerconnect = os.environ["ALIGNMENT_TRACKERCONNECT"] | |
gather_cfg.TrackerSurfaceDeformationInputDB | |
gather_cfg.Tracks | |
gather_cfg.tracksTag | |
tuple | gather_cfg.twoBin = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_TWOBIN"] == "True") |
tuple | gather_cfg.weightAlignment = (os.environ["ALIGNMENT_WEIGHTALIGNMENT"] == "True") |
gather_cfg.writeTemporaryFile | |