3 import os, sys, optparse, math
7 usage =
"""%(prog)s INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE [--noChambers] [--noLayers] [--ringsOnly] [--relativeTo ideal|none] 9 performs either sqlite-->xml or xml-->sqlite conversion following the documentation at 10 https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/SWGuideMuonGeometryConversion 14 INPUT_FILE is either .db SQLite or .xml file that should be converted 15 OUTPUT_FILE is either .xml or .db output file, the result of conversion 17 Options for sqlite-->xml conversion: 19 --noChambers if present, no chambers info would be written into xml 20 --noLayers if present, no layers (and no DT superlayers) info would be written into xml 21 --relativeTo X by default, xml conversion is done relative to ideal DDD description, 22 if "none" is specified, absolute positions would be written into xml 23 --ringsOnly special flag for xml dumping of CSC ring structure only, it automatically 24 turns off all DTs and also CSC's chambers and layers on output and coordinates 25 are relative "to none" 26 --runNumber N Use run #N to extract xml from necessary IOV 30 print "Too few arguments!\n\n"+usage
33 parser=optparse.OptionParser(usage)
35 parser.add_option(
36 help=
"if present, no chambers info would be written into xml",
41 parser.add_option(
42 help=
"if present, no layers (and no DT superlayers) info would be written into xml",
47 parser.add_option(
48 help=
"by default, xml conversion is done relative to ideal DDD description, if \"none\" is specified, absolute positions would be written into xml",
53 parser.add_option(
54 help=
"special flag for xml dumping of CSC ring structure only, it automatically turns off all DTs and also CSC's chambers and layers",
59 parser.add_option(
60 help=
"Use run #N to extract xml from necessary IOV (default is 1)",
65 parser.add_option(
66 help=
"connect string for GlobalPositionRcd (frontier://... or sqlite_file:...). The defailt is a trivial/inert GPR",
68 default=
71 parser.add_option(
72 help=
"name of GlobalPositionRcd tag",
74 default=
78 options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[3:])
81 if options.ringsOnly: supRings=
"False" 83 if options.noChambers
or options.ringsOnly: supChambers=
"True" 85 if options.noLayers
or options.ringsOnly: supLayers=
"True" 87 relativeTo=options.relativeTo
88 if options.ringsOnly: relativeTo=
"none" 90 runNumber = options.runNumber
91 gprcdconnect = options.gprcdconnect
94 theInputFile = sys.argv[1]
95 theOutputFile = sys.argv[2]
99 if theInputFile[-4:]==
".xml" and theOutputFile[-3:]==
101 file(
"""# xml2sqlite conversion 102 from Alignment.MuonAlignment.convertXMLtoSQLite_cfg import * 103 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.fileName = "%(theInputFile)s" 104 process.PoolDBOutputService.connect = "sqlite_file:%(theOutputFile)s" 105 process.inertGlobalPositionRcd.connect = "%(gprcdconnect)s" 106 process.inertGlobalPositionRcd.toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string('GlobalPositionRcd'), tag = cms.string('%(gprcd)s'))) 110 if theInputFile[-3:]==
".db" and theOutputFile[-4:]==
112 file(
"""# sqlite2xml conversion 113 from Alignment.MuonAlignment.convertSQLitetoXML_cfg import * 115 process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource", 116 numberEventsInRun = cms.untracked.uint32(1), 117 firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(%(runNumber)d) 120 process.inertGlobalPositionRcd.connect = "%(gprcdconnect)s" 121 process.inertGlobalPositionRcd.toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string('GlobalPositionRcd'), tag = cms.string('%(gprcd)s'))) 123 process.PoolDBESSource.connect = "sqlite_file:%(theInputFile)s" 124 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.fileName = "%(theOutputFile)s" 126 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.relativeto = "%(relativeTo)s" 128 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTBarrel = True 129 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTWheels = True 130 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTStations = True 131 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTChambers = %(supChambers)s 132 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTSuperLayers = %(supLayers)s 133 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTLayers = %(supLayers)s 135 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressCSCEndcaps = True 136 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressCSCStations = True 137 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressCSCRings = %(supRings)s 138 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressCSCChambers = %(supChambers)s 139 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressCSCLayers = %(supLayers)s 147 exit_code = os.system(
"cmsRun tmp_converter_cfg.py")
150 print "problem: cmsRun exited with code:", exit_code
152 os.system(
"rm tmp_converter_cfg.py")