This is the complete list of members for plotting.Plot, including all inherited members.
__init__(self, name, kwargs) | plotting.Plot | |
_createOne(self, name, index, tdir, nevents) | plotting.Plot | private |
_forLegend | plotting.Plot | private |
_frame | plotting.Plot | private |
_histograms | plotting.Plot | private |
_mainAdditional | plotting.Plot | private |
_name | plotting.Plot | private |
_normalize(self) | plotting.Plot | private |
_ratioAdditional | plotting.Plot | private |
_ratios | plotting.Plot | private |
_setStats(self, histos, startingX, startingY) | plotting.Plot | private |
_tmp_histos | plotting.Plot | private |
addToLegend(self, legend, legendLabels, denomUncertainty) | plotting.Plot | |
clone(self, kwargs) | plotting.Plot | |
create(self, tdirNEvents, requireAllHistograms=False) | plotting.Plot | |
draw(self, pad, ratio, ratioFactor, nrows) | plotting.Plot | |
drawRatioUncertainty(self) | plotting.Plot | |
getName(self) | plotting.Plot | |
getNumberOfHistograms(self) | plotting.Plot | |
isEmpty(self) | plotting.Plot | |
isRatio(self, ratio) | plotting.Plot | |
isTGraph2D(self) | plotting.Plot | |
setProperties(self, kwargs) | plotting.Plot | |