1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
2 from DQMOffline.L1Trigger.L1THistDefinitions_cff
import histDefinitions
4 jetEfficiencyThresholds = [36, 68, 128, 176]
5 metEfficiencyThresholds = [40, 60, 80, 100, 120]
6 mhtEfficiencyThresholds = [40, 60, 80, 100, 120]
7 ettEfficiencyThresholds = [30, 50, 90, 140]
8 httEfficiencyThresholds = [120, 160, 200, 240, 280]
10 jetEfficiencyBins = []
11 jetEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(0, 120, 10)))
12 jetEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(120, 180, 20)))
13 jetEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(180, 300, 40)))
14 jetEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(300, 401, 100)))
16 metEfficiencyBins = []
17 metEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(0, 40, 4)))
18 metEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(40, 70, 2)))
19 metEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(70, 100, 5)))
20 metEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(100, 160, 10)))
21 metEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(160, 261, 20)))
23 mhtEfficiencyBins = []
24 mhtEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(30, 50, 1)))
25 mhtEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(50, 80, 5)))
26 mhtEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(80, 140, 10)))
27 mhtEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(140, 200, 15)))
28 mhtEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(200, 300, 20)))
29 mhtEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(300, 401, 50)))
31 ettEfficiencyBins = []
32 ettEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(0, 30, 30)))
33 ettEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(30, 50, 10)))
34 ettEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(50, 90, 5)))
35 ettEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(90, 141, 2)))
37 httEfficiencyBins = []
38 httEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(0, 100, 5)))
39 httEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(100, 200, 10)))
40 httEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(200, 400, 20)))
41 httEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(400, 500, 50)))
42 httEfficiencyBins.extend(
list(xrange(500, 601, 10)))
45 centralJetSelection = [
47 'neutralHadronEnergyFraction < 0.9',
48 'neutralEmEnergyFraction < 0.9',
49 'numberOfDaughters > 1',
50 'muonEnergyFraction < 0.8' 52 withinTrackerSelection = centralJetSelection[:]
53 withinTrackerSelection += [
55 'chargedHadronEnergyFraction > 0',
56 'chargedMultiplicity > 0',
57 'chargedEmEnergyFraction < 0.8' 59 forwardJetSelection = [
62 'neutralEmEnergyFraction > 0.02',
63 'neutralEmEnergyFraction < 0.99',
64 'neutralMultiplicity > 2' 66 veryForwardJetSelection = [
68 'neutralEmEnergyFraction < 0.99',
69 'neutralHadronEnergyFraction > 0.02',
70 'neutralMultiplicity > 10' 72 centralJetSelection =
' && '.
73 withinTrackerSelection =
' && '.
74 forwardJetSelection =
' && '.
75 veryForwardJetSelection =
' && '.
76 completeSelection =
'et > 30 && (' +
' || '.
join([centralJetSelection, withinTrackerSelection,
77 forwardJetSelection, veryForwardJetSelection]) +
')' 79 goodPFJetsForL1T = cms.EDFilter(
81 src=cms.InputTag(
82 cut=cms.string(completeSelection),
83 filter=cms.bool(
86 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer
import DQMEDAnalyzer
88 "L1TStage2CaloLayer2Offline",
89 electronCollection=cms.InputTag(
90 pfJetCollection=cms.InputTag(
91 caloMETCollection=cms.InputTag(
93 caloETMHFCollection=cms.InputTag(
94 conversionsCollection=cms.InputTag(
95 PVCollection=cms.InputTag(
96 beamSpotCollection=cms.InputTag(
98 triggerInputTag=cms.InputTag(
99 triggerProcess=cms.string(
100 triggerResults=cms.InputTag(
101 triggerNames=cms.vstring(
110 stage2CaloLayer2JetSource=cms.InputTag(
111 stage2CaloLayer2EtSumSource=cms.InputTag(
113 histFolderEtSum=cms.string(
114 histFolderJet=cms.string(
115 jetEfficiencyThresholds=cms.vdouble(jetEfficiencyThresholds),
116 metEfficiencyThresholds=cms.vdouble(metEfficiencyThresholds),
117 mhtEfficiencyThresholds=cms.vdouble(mhtEfficiencyThresholds),
118 ettEfficiencyThresholds=cms.vdouble(ettEfficiencyThresholds),
119 httEfficiencyThresholds=cms.vdouble(httEfficiencyThresholds),
121 jetEfficiencyBins=cms.vdouble(jetEfficiencyBins),
122 metEfficiencyBins=cms.vdouble(metEfficiencyBins),
123 mhtEfficiencyBins=cms.vdouble(mhtEfficiencyBins),
124 ettEfficiencyBins=cms.vdouble(ettEfficiencyBins),
125 httEfficiencyBins=cms.vdouble(httEfficiencyBins),
127 recoHTTMaxEta=cms.double(2.5),
128 recoMHTMaxEta=cms.double(2.5),
130 histDefinitions=cms.PSet(
131 nVertex=histDefinitions.nVertex.clone(),
132 ETvsET=histDefinitions.ETvsET.clone(),
133 PHIvsPHI=histDefinitions.PHIvsPHI.clone(),
142 jetEfficiencyThresholds_HI = [8, 16, 24, 44, 60, 80, 90]
143 jetEfficiencyBins_HI = []
144 jetEfficiencyBins_HI.extend(
list(xrange(0, 60, 2)))
145 jetEfficiencyBins_HI.extend(
list(xrange(60, 90, 5)))
146 jetEfficiencyBins_HI.extend(
list(xrange(90, 120, 10)))
147 jetEfficiencyBins_HI.extend(
list(xrange(120, 180, 20)))
148 jetEfficiencyBins_HI.extend(
list(xrange(180, 300, 40)))
149 jetEfficiencyBins_HI.extend(
list(xrange(300, 401, 100)))
151 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_ppRef_2017_cff
import ppRef_2017
153 l1tEtSumJetOfflineDQM,
154 TriggerFilter=cms.InputTag(
155 TriggerPath=cms.string(
156 jetEfficiencyThresholds=cms.vdouble(jetEfficiencyThresholds_HI),
157 jetEfficiencyBins=cms.vdouble(jetEfficiencyBins_HI),
161 l1tEtSumJetOfflineDQMEmu = l1tEtSumJetOfflineDQM.clone(
162 stage2CaloLayer2JetSource=cms.InputTag(
163 stage2CaloLayer2EtSumSource=cms.InputTag(
165 histFolderEtSum=cms.string(
166 histFolderJet=cms.string(
static std::string join(char **cmd)
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run