20 uint32_t rq_layer, uint32_t rq_bkw_frw, uint32_t rq_int_ext, uint32_t rq_string)
22 std::copy_if(
std::end(inputDetRawIds), std::back_inserter(tibDetRawIds),
23 [tTopo,rq_layer,rq_bkw_frw,rq_int_ext,rq_string] (
DetId det ) {
27 && ( (rq_layer == 0) || (rq_layer == tTopo->
tibLayer (det)) )
28 && ( (rq_bkw_frw == 0) || (rq_bkw_frw == tTopo->
tibSide (det)) )
29 && ( (rq_int_ext == 0) || (rq_int_ext == tTopo->
tibOrder (det)) )
30 && ( (rq_string == 0) || (rq_string == tTopo->
tibString(det)) )
37 uint32_t rq_side, uint32_t rq_wheel, uint32_t rq_ring, uint32_t rq_ster)
39 std::copy_if(
std::end(inputDetRawIds), std::back_inserter(tidDetRawIds),
40 [tTopo,rq_side,rq_wheel,rq_ring,rq_ster] (
DetId det ) {
44 && ( (rq_side == 0) || (rq_side == tTopo->
tidSide (det)) )
45 && ( (rq_wheel == 0) || (rq_wheel == tTopo->
tidWheel (det)) )
46 && ( (rq_ring == 0) || (rq_ring == tTopo->
tidRing (det)) )
47 && ( (rq_ster == 0) || (rq_ster == tTopo->
tidStereo(det)) )
54 uint32_t rq_layer, uint32_t rq_bkw_frw, uint32_t rq_rod)
56 std::copy_if(
std::end(inputDetRawIds), std::back_inserter(tobDetRawIds),
57 [tTopo,rq_layer,rq_bkw_frw,rq_rod] (
DetId det ) {
61 && ( (rq_layer == 0) || (rq_layer == tTopo->
tobLayer (det)) )
62 && ( (rq_bkw_frw == 0) || (rq_bkw_frw == tTopo->
tobSide (det)) )
63 && ( (rq_rod == 0) || (rq_rod == tTopo->
tobRod (det)) )
71 uint32_t rq_side, uint32_t rq_wheel, uint32_t rq_petal_bkw_frw, uint32_t rq_petal, uint32_t rq_ring, uint32_t rq_ster)
73 std::copy_if(
std::end(inputDetRawIds), std::back_inserter(tecDetRawIds),
74 [tTopo,rq_side,rq_wheel,rq_petal_bkw_frw,rq_petal,rq_ring,rq_ster] (
DetId det ) {
78 && ( (rq_side == 0) || (rq_side == tTopo->
tecSide (det)) )
79 && ( (rq_wheel == 0) || (rq_wheel == tTopo->
tecWheel (det)) )
80 && ( (rq_petal_bkw_frw == 0) || (rq_petal_bkw_frw-1 == tTopo->
tecOrder (det)) )
82 && ( (rq_ring == 0) || (rq_ring == tTopo->
tecRing (det)) )
83 && ( (rq_ster == 0) || (rq_ster == tTopo->
tecStereo (det)) )
void getTIBDetectors(const std::vector< uint32_t > &inputDetRawIds, std::vector< uint32_t > &tibDetRawIds, const TrackerTopology *trackerTopology, uint32_t layer=0, uint32_t bkw_frw=0, uint32_t int_ext=0, uint32_t string=0)
unsigned int tibLayer(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tibString(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tidRing(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tecRing(const DetId &id) const
ring id
void getTIDDetectors(const std::vector< uint32_t > &inputDetRawIds, std::vector< uint32_t > &tidDetRawIds, const TrackerTopology *trackerTopology, uint32_t side=0, uint32_t wheel=0, uint32_t ring=0, uint32_t ster=0)
unsigned int tidWheel(const DetId &id) const
void getTECDetectors(const std::vector< uint32_t > &inputDetRawIds, std::vector< uint32_t > &tecDetRawIds, const TrackerTopology *trackerTopology, uint32_t side=0, uint32_t wheel=0, uint32_t petal_bkw_frw=0, uint32_t petal=0, uint32_t ring=0, uint32_t ster=0)
unsigned int tibSide(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tidSide(const DetId &id) const
uint32_t tidStereo(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tobSide(const DetId &id) const
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector's numbering enum) ...
unsigned int tecOrder(const DetId &id) const
uint32_t tecStereo(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tecPetalNumber(const DetId &id) const
void getTOBDetectors(const std::vector< uint32_t > &inputDetRawIds, std::vector< uint32_t > &tobDetRawIds, const TrackerTopology *trackerTopology, uint32_t layer=0, uint32_t bkw_frw=0, uint32_t rod=0)
unsigned int tobRod(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tecWheel(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tobLayer(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tecSide(const DetId &id) const
unsigned int tibOrder(const DetId &id) const