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This is the complete list of members for SectorProcessor, including all inherited members.
bug9BitDPhi_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bugGMTPhi_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bugME11Dupes_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bugMode7CLCT_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bugNegPt_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bugSameSectorPt0_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bugSt2PhDiff_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bxShiftCSC_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bxShiftGEM_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bxShiftRPC_ | SectorProcessor | private |
bxWindow_ | SectorProcessor | private |
cond_ | SectorProcessor | private |
configure(const GeometryTranslator *tp_geom, const ConditionHelper *cond, const SectorProcessorLUT *lut, PtAssignmentEngine **pt_assign_engine, int verbose, int endcap, int sector, int minBX, int maxBX, int bxWindow, int bxShiftCSC, int bxShiftRPC, int bxShiftGEM, const std::vector< int > &zoneBoundaries, int zoneOverlap, bool includeNeighbor, bool duplicateTheta, bool fixZonePhi, bool useNewZones, bool fixME11Edges, const std::vector< std::string > &pattDefinitions, const std::vector< std::string > &symPattDefinitions, bool useSymPatterns, int thetaWindow, int thetaWindowRPC, bool useSingleHits, bool bugSt2PhDiff, bool bugME11Dupes, int maxRoadsPerZone, int maxTracks, bool useSecondEarliest, bool bugSameSectorPt0, int ptLUTVersion, bool readPtLUTFile, bool fixMode15HighPt, bool bug9BitDPhi, bool bugMode7CLCT, bool bugNegPt, bool bugGMTPhi, bool promoteMode7) | SectorProcessor | |
configure_by_fw_version(unsigned fw_version) | SectorProcessor | |
duplicateTheta_ | SectorProcessor | private |
endcap_ | SectorProcessor | private |
EventNumber_t typedef | SectorProcessor | |
fixME11Edges_ | SectorProcessor | private |
fixMode15HighPt_ | SectorProcessor | private |
fixZonePhi_ | SectorProcessor | private |
includeNeighbor_ | SectorProcessor | private |
lut_ | SectorProcessor | private |
maxBX_ | SectorProcessor | private |
maxRoadsPerZone_ | SectorProcessor | private |
maxTracks_ | SectorProcessor | private |
minBX_ | SectorProcessor | private |
pattDefinitions_ | SectorProcessor | private |
pattern_ref_t typedef | SectorProcessor | |
process(EventNumber_t ievent, const TriggerPrimitiveCollection &muon_primitives, EMTFHitCollection &out_hits, EMTFTrackCollection &out_tracks) const | SectorProcessor | |
process_single_bx(int bx, const TriggerPrimitiveCollection &muon_primitives, EMTFHitCollection &out_hits, EMTFTrackCollection &out_tracks, std::deque< EMTFHitCollection > &extended_conv_hits, std::deque< EMTFTrackCollection > &extended_best_track_cands, std::map< pattern_ref_t, int > &patt_lifetime_map) const | SectorProcessor | |
promoteMode7_ | SectorProcessor | private |
pt_assign_engine_ | SectorProcessor | private |
ptLUTVersion_ | SectorProcessor | private |
readPtLUTFile_ | SectorProcessor | private |
sector_ | SectorProcessor | private |
SectorProcessor() | SectorProcessor | explicit |
set_pt_lut_version(unsigned pt_lut_version) | SectorProcessor | |
symPattDefinitions_ | SectorProcessor | private |
thetaWindow_ | SectorProcessor | private |
thetaWindowRPC_ | SectorProcessor | private |
tp_geom_ | SectorProcessor | private |
useNewZones_ | SectorProcessor | private |
useSecondEarliest_ | SectorProcessor | private |
useSingleHits_ | SectorProcessor | private |
useSymPatterns_ | SectorProcessor | private |
verbose_ | SectorProcessor | private |
zoneBoundaries_ | SectorProcessor | private |
zoneOverlap_ | SectorProcessor | private |
~SectorProcessor() | SectorProcessor |